Monday, April 18, 2016's been a while..sorry!

These past few weeks have been so crazy and full of fun! The weather is finally acting normal for once and it's AWESOME. Yesterday we even reached 85 degrees. Considering last week, since we were in the 30's, 85 is really good. Although, we are supposed to get another snowstorm next week so we are enjoying the good weather as much as possible while we can.

Our investigator Donna and her daughter Breanna just committed to be baptized on May 28th. We are so excited! Donna's husband Zach is a member who just recently started coming to church again about 6 months ago. Originally before we started to meet with Donna, she would leave the room any time someone began to pray. Now, she prays openly and is going to come to church on Sunday. We are so excited for their family and the amount of progress that we have seen inside their family unit is astounding. All we have done is show her the tools that she can use to know that The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints is true for herself, she has done the rest! On our second meeting with her we walked in and she said, "I am so sorry! I didn't get to read too much of the Book of Mormon this week. I'll be better next week I promise. It's so good!" -(She had read to 1 Nephi 13 in four days:) 

We were also able to go to a Zone conference this week and it was SO GOOD. We learned so much from President and Sister Jacobsen that we are really excited to begin implementing in our area. 

Also, TRANSFER CALLS are this week! This transfer was a little different than normal since we have 7 weeks instead of 6 due to matching back up with the MTC. So this transfer seems extra long. It's good though, we definitely need the extra week to prepare for whoever is leaving.

Dad was released?! Oh man I'm sure that was so bitter sweet! Bishop Womeldorf will do so good though, and I'm sure that it will be so nice to have Dad home on Sunday's now:) 

That's so exciting that Nathan Coleman got his mission call! He is going to LOVE being on a mission. Best. Decision. Ever. But I'm not at all biased:)

I hope you all have an amazing week! 
Love ya! 

Sister Sheppard

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